With Milan’s very unexpected and sudden passing, I didn’t feel it was right to continue blog about all of our daily adventures on Thadd+Friends at
thaddandmilan.com without Milan. I’ve actually been thinking about changing the web address of our blog for a while now, especially
with Genifer and I getting married at the end of February. This just feels like the perfect time to move our blog to a new home. The story of Thadd and Milan has sadly come to an end. But a whole new chapter of
Thadd+Genifer is just about to get started. We definitely plan on keeping Thadd+Friends around forever and will refer back to it often as a very loving tribute to all of the adventures we've already had, especially those with my best friend, our
beloved bud dog…

We miss you so much, Milan. We’ll always cherish the time we got to spend with you. :)
Please continue to follow all of our adventures at
TplusG.com. :)
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