Sunday, March 29

Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame.

In eager anticipation of the upcoming season of Reds baseball that is quickly closing in on us, we decided to visit the much lauded Reds Hall of Fame. We also had a tickets given to us by Cincinnati USA Regional Tourism that were about to expire and we didn't want them to go to waste...
We got to see the new Hall of Fame exhibit, "The Kings of the Queen City."
Reds Hall of Fame with @genmae5 #KingsOfTheQueenCity
Reds Hall of Fame...
Reds Hall of Fame...
Sparky and @genmae5 at the Reds Hall of Fame...
@genmae5 and The Big Red Machine celebrate at the Reds Hall of Fame...
The Reds Hall of Fame of does an incredible job of telling the rich history of the Reds. Such near stuff! Click to see all the photos I took during our visit to the Reds Hall of Fame.

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