Paul Brown Stadium while Nippert Stadium up on Cincinnati's campus is undergoing a
massive $86m in estimated renovations. So this evening we decided to walk over to Paul
Brown to see the Bearcats take on the Memphis Tigers. A titanic struggle between two
heavyweights in the football powerhouse that is the American Athletic Conference. This
was the second time we've been to a Bearcats football game at PBS. The other was a
couple seasons ago when #23 Bearcats took on the #24 West Virginia Mountaineers.

It was all Memphis at halftime, 27-7. There were 400 cheerleaders on the field at halftime...

And then the Cincinnati Bearcats Marching Band had a halftime tribute to Billy Joel...

At least that's what they said, I didn't recognize either of the Billy Joel songs they played.

Touchdown Bearcats!

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, it was 41-14 Memphis...

Oktoberfest weekend, we heard fireworks but couldn't tell where they were coming from.
They must have been after another UC football game down at Paul Brown Stadium.

Still win or lose, it's always fun to try something different. I'd never been to a night game
at Paul Brown Stadium before. And now, I have. :)
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