Reds game. The last two years the Reds haven't played on our anniversary. But this year,
BOOM! Finally, another Reds game on our anniversary!

We got seats as close to the seats had on that magical evening...

Jo-ey Vot-to...

We were right down the first base line, even with Jay Bruce in right field...

Bruce saw us there and realized that Genifer was spoken for...

Sorry, bro. You mixed your chance. Votto and Tony Cingrani...

These guys brought their brooms to the game tonight even though the first game of the
series was rained out. I don't understand how the Reds could possibly sweep a three
game series if only two of the three games are actually played.

If the Reds lose tonight, I know who to blame...

Thanks for jinxing the Reds. Idiots.

Billy Hamilton on second...

We couldn't tolerate these jokers for a minute longer...

So we moved up to sit where we love sitting, with the real fans...

I don't know why people pay all that money to sit in the lower deck. It seemed like no one
around us down below was even watching the game. It was just like chit-chat social hour.

Mr. Redlegs was up in the upper deck kicking' it with the real fans...

We love sitting up in the upper deck down the third base line...

It was getting pretty chilly so we headed for home at the top of the ninth...

By the time we walked home, the Reds lost 9-4. Still, it was a great way to celebrate our
three year anniversary! I wish I knew how many Reds games we've been to together since
that first game. I'm know it's well north of 75+ games. The one thing you can say is that
we just love our Reds baseball. :)
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