Braves. Or as I like to call them the Barves. With their silly tomahawk chop and all that.

But it turned out to be a really pretty night for baseball.

They replaced our Leinie Summer Shandy stand with this ridiculous Corona Beach Bar.

And they don't even have Corona on tap.

But they do have Pacifico. And we like Pacifico. So crisis averted. They still have all the
Leinenkugel beers at Mr. Reds Smokehouse. You just have to go downstairs to get them.
That's exactly what we did and while we were there Shin-Soo Choo went yard. Cue the fireworks!

And we headed back upstairs...

The view from our seats...

There was a big crowd for a Tuesday.

Then it happened. The Reds were down to their final out. Down by a run. Devin Mesoroco
comes to the plate to pinch hit. He gets a couple of strikes on him and we decide to pack
it in. Walking to the escalator, Genifer says, "You know he's going to hit a home run now,
right?" And halfway down the escalator "BOOM! BOOM! Boom-boom-boom!" Home run
fireworks are going off. Tie game. Mesorocket went yard to center field by the Power Stacks.
Crazy right? So now we're watching the game standing behind home plate. Shin-soo Choo
comes up. And Choo works the count and he hits a long fly ball to center field. GONE.
He belts his second home run of the game this one into the Reds bullpen to give the Reds the win. BACK-TO-BACK HOMERS TO TIE AND WIN THE GAME!!!. WOW! Complete and total pandemonium. Everyone's jumping up and down, strangers hugging strangers, pure unbridled joy.



Here are both of the dramatic home runs with the TV and radio calls if you haven't seen it.
Amazing. What a night! :)
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