Tuesday, February 28

Cyclones hockey.

Genifer and I went down to US Bank Arena to take in the Cyclones game this evening.
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
The Cyclone held the Gwinnett Gladiators scoreless in the first period. And that means...
US Bank Arena
Giant puck slingshot during the first intermission...
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
So close but the guy still got free City Barbeque for a year. :/
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
Tonight, they had $1 City Barbeque pulled pork sammiches...
US Bank Arena
One of the beer pyramids came tumbling down...
US Bank Arena
I hope you guys aren't driving. I'm really happy we can just walk home!
US Bank Arena
The Cyclones ended up losing 2-1...
US Bank Arena
But the game was still a blast. We love going to Cyclones games.

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