I can't stand the Yankees or their fans. (Go Sox!) I also found it irritating that this was a
"premium" game, which meant the $5 tickets were now $20 tickets. But I ended up caving
in and going to the game this afternoon...

I can see my house from up here...

I'm on the crack...

Hip-hip, Jorge! Hip-hip, Jorge!

There was this 2011 New Era MLB Stars and Stripes chopper by Bourget's Bike Works
on display at Great American Ball Park...

Things started getting chippy...

The Yankees were leading 4-2 and they brought in Mariano Rivera...

And the Reds lost 4-2.

After the game, I went into the Reds team shop to see if they had one of the rope necklaces
like the Reds player wear for Genifer. But they were all sold out of the them. :(

Win or lose, it's always good to see a ballgame.
UPDATE: I always choose the wrong game to go to. This evening the Reds and Yankees played
the make-up game from last night's rain out. And the Reds spanked the Yankees 10-2 with
Chris Heisey hitting three home runs. But I got to see most of the game over at Fountain Square.
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