Tuesday, March 8

The circus is in town!

And while we were walking, they were unloading the train of all the circus stuff...
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be at US Bank Arena from March 11th
through March 20th.


  1. Haha, I took some pictures of the train yesterday when my fiancee and I went go a walk down there. Where they still unloading the train cars when you were walking by?

  2. @Chuck: I'll have to look and see how much tickets
    are. If it's only like $20 then HECK YES!

    @Josh: We were walking through around 7pm-ish, and
    it looked like they only had about half the train
    unloaded. I was hoping we'd see some aminals. LOL.
