Tuesday, February 22

Photos from our walk tonight.

It's been rainy, grey and cold for the last two days and I'm over it. I'm ready for spring.
Yeatmans Cove
I used the Vignette camera app on my mobile a bit because I haven't used it much lately...
Lytle Tunnel
Great American Tower
Lytle Park
P&G Gardens
Parking garage


  1. Whoa, those pictures are cool when you use the vignette app. Very appropriate, given the terrible weather. Looks like someone out of a Sherlock Holmes novel.

  2. Thanks Josh! I thought the same thing that the
    Vignette app would accentuate the gloominess of
    the this craptastic weather we're having right now.

  3. Yeah...the app gives the photos a very dramatic feel. Love it.
