Monday, January 10

A quick refresher in SNOmenclature.

Every January about this time Cincinnati gets hit with it's yearly "Snow Storm of the
Century." Tomorrow, we're supposed to get 2-4" of the white stuff. And Cincinnati is
already starting to freak out. People called #SNOtards have already begun to buy out
the grocery store. My only guess is that these people will make enough French Toast
for a small army with all the milk, eggs and bread that they've already started hoarding.
Hilarity will ensue. The world will pause briefly. And life will go on.

With the impending Great White Death on it's way, I though I would dust off all the
#HashTags I collected from the last year's BIG storm and offer this quick refresher
in SNOmenclature.

There are the tried and true harbingers of destruction...
#WhiteDeath #SnOMG #tSNOnami #SNOzilla #SNOlycrap #SNOpocalypse
and #SNOmaggedon

And then there are the terms to mock the snow-related terror...
#SNOverated #SNOverreaction #SNOverestimated #SNOthingisgoingtohappen
and #SNOproblem

Born out of the hype from last year's "Storm of the Century" were...
#SNOba_Fett, #SNOjoke, #SNObalWarming, #SNOblivion, #SNOwayinhell,
#SNOtoriousBIG, #SNOwayinhell, #SNOwcation,
and #SNOf__kyourself...
#SNOflakes are people who cancel their plans because of the #snOMG.
#SNOcoholics are people who drink more when these big storms roll through.
#SNOtography is going out to take pictures of the snow. And those pics are
called #SNOtos.

There was this list of SNOmenclature. And there was this classic link. LOL.

And know you're that all caught up and refreshed again on your #SNOmenclature,
save me a couple pieces of French Toast. :)


  1. Bwahahaha to the hashtags, and the impending glut of Fresh Toast :)
