Monday, January 10

Happy championship day!

I don't know if you've heard about this or not but I guess there's some sort of big college
football game tonight. Like a "national championship game" or something. (8:30p, ESPN)
LOL. Auburn versus Oregon. And I'll be cheering for Oregon because... A. I'm really tired
of hearing about how the SEC is the best, B. Oregon's duck mascot might just be one of the
least intimidating mascots ever and I give them points for that, C. Bonus points for having
ridiculously adorable cheerleaders, and D. Having just returned home after spending a
week in Oregon, I think they deserve the win just for putting up with the god awful, rainy
Oregon winter weather. Ugh. This morning I was kinda kicking myself for not picking up
some sort of Oregon Ducks logo apparel at the Portland airport...
Oregon Ducks
Oregon Ducks
All of this stuff was already 50% off. And that was over two weeks before tonight's game.
LOL. I shoulda at least got a scarf or a wristband or something. Oh well. Go DUCKS!
Beat the SEC!