Saturday, November 13

A Cyclones hockey game #3! A thriller!

Tonight, my parents and I went to see the Cincy Cyclones take on the Gwinnett Gladiators
at US Bank Arena. In case you were wondering, Gwinnett County is in Georgia. Who knew?
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
The first two periods were kind of a snooze with the 'Clones taking a 1-0 lead into the
third period. At least Twister was there to entertain by launching t-shirts at people.
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
But then there was a goal explosion in the third period with five goals being scored.
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
Back and forth and back and forth. Two goals by the 'Clones and three by the Gladiators
to send the game to a five minute sudden-death overtime. EXTRA HOCKEY AGAIN!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
The game was still tied after the five minute overtime so the game went to a shoot-out!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
The Cyclones goalie stopped all five penalty shots he faced. And the 'Clones scored one
of their five penalty shots. Soo... the CYCLONES WIN 4-3!!! Hooray Cyclones! Hooray!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
Another great game, another great night!


  1. Of course...Gwinnett County. It's on the northeastern side of Atlanta. They also have a minor league baseball team for the Atlanta Braves up there.

  2. I had no clue where Gwinnett was. I had to Google
    that stuff.
