Saturday, November 6

A late Saturday lunch at Sawyer Point.

After the nail-biting Michigan game, I was checking Twitter and saw that Cafe de Wheels
tweeted that they were down at Sawyer Point. Milan wanted to go on a walk and we always
walk through Sawyer Point, so we went down to check it out. Apparently, there was a big
walk going on to bring awareness to human trafficking...
Yeatman's Cove
Sawyer Point
We found Cafe de Wheels...
Cafe de Wheels
Cafe de Wheels
And Senor Roy's was there as well...
Senor Roy's
Milan and I ordered a a incredibly delicious Cowboy burger and fries to share. But Milan
was pretty distracted by all the people at Sawyer Point and then by the great band.
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Cafe de Wheels
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Sawyer Point
Newport on the Levee
Queen CIty Square
Downtown CIncinnati
And this afternoon was just another example of why I love living in downtown Cincinnati.
Mmmmm... getting a Cowboy burger during a puppy walk? It doesn't get better than this.

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