Central Division. The Reds were playing the Astros. And it was the 30th baseball game
I've been to this season at Great American Ball Park! Let's go!!!
It was a gorgeous night for a baseball game...

The line for tickets was absolutely insane. Thankfully I got mine on Sunday!

There ended up being a really nice sized crowd. No Tampa Bay in Cincinnati tonight!

And there was an appearance by the Cuban Missle, Aroldis Chapman...

The Reds won on a walk-off homer by Jay Bruce in the bottom of 9th. UrbanCincy has the
best photo that I've seen that captured the moment perfectly...

WOW! So the 30th game I've seen at Great American Ball Park this season was the game
that the Reds clinched the NL Central for the first time since 1995. Amazing night!

Amazing. Merry Clinchmas Cincinnati, Merry Clinchmas!
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