Saturday, January 23

Unexpectedly fun.

So this evening I went out to get something to eat. I left my cameras at home because I
was just going to get something to eat and then coming home. Well, I ran into some friends
and it turned out to a great night... that I have no photos of. Grr. Luckily my friend, Kirby
had his camera and forwarded me a couple of the photos he took.

Saturday night, originally uploaded by thadd.

Saturday night, originally uploaded by thadd.

Saturday night, originally uploaded by thadd.
I swear the easiest way to make new friends is just to go to any random place with a
camera and start taking photos. You'll start talking to people and before you know it,
you have a whole bunch of new friends. The lesson learned this evening... never under
any circumstance, leave the house without a camera. :)

Thanks for the photos, Kirby!


  1. Thadd! We want to see pics of your cute face too! Come on now. You're always the photographer, and now we had this one chance to see your mug and still you deny us. ;)

  2. LOL. Sorry, I'll work on that in the future.

    But in the meantime, here are some recent shots
    of me from out and about:
    Click here, here and here.
