Sunday, November 1

I'm not just a designer/photog, I make drawlings as well...

My drawling was included in Designers that draw: A showcase of designers non-design work.

One of my drawlings, originally uploaded by thadd.
Pretty cool! A big thanks goes out to @behoff for putting this list together and for including me.
You can click here to see more examples of my drawlings.

ps. The inspiration for this drawling was a quote from Stephen Wright,
"The other day I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing
in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree.

UPDATE: Most awesomely flattering comment of the day... via Tanner Christensen:
"Some seriously talented designers featured here! I love Von Glitschka’s style,
and Thadd Fiala should be out illustrating books.

Awesome. Thank you. I really appreciate that HUGE compliment! :)

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