Saturday, October 31


After I was done taking photos on Fountain Square, I wandered through nada's
much hyped Halloween party, nadaween. The place was packed with people. Fun.

Halloween, originally uploaded by thadd.
They had an amazing rooftop dj set-up that gave a bird's eye view of all the happenings.

Halloween, originally uploaded by thadd.

Halloween, originally uploaded by thadd.

Halloween, originally uploaded by thadd.
Click to see all the photos I took out and about in downtown Cincinnati on Halloween.


  1. Nada was incredible on Saturday night. Loved the DJ on the roof set up.

  2. Nada was a blast. I got to go up on the roof set-up and shoot some
    photos next to the DJ. It was pretty amazing. Saturday was a great night
    downtown. I had sooo much fun out shooting photos.
