Lotsa things to be excited about this season. And I'm All In for Michigan Football!

It was also pretty cool and fun to be able read the tweets from Michgan Football
on Twitter during the game, @Michigan_fball. Twitter is soo much fun.
The Red Sox lost to the White Sox 5-1. They have a slender two game lead in the race
for the AL wildcard. Hopefully, they'll be able to hang on to their lead and make the playoffs.
I was going to down to Fountain Square (also on Twitter, @MyFountainSqr) for the Guinness Oyster
fest but then the Reds came on TV as soon as the Michigan game was over. And the Reds are on
a roll, winners of five straight. And they'll get me to the United States National Team soccer match
at 8pm versus El Salvador. I found out about the soccer match from Jozy Altidore's Twitter page.
Oh, the soccer match is on ESPN Classic.
So maybe, I'll go to the Guinness Oyster fest at halftime? Maybe.
If I can drag myself away from in front of the TVs.
Too many good sports on TV.
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