Sunday, July 26

Sunday morning excitement.

So I'm sitting here, it's 1.30am. I'm formatting some photos and updating the blog,
all of sudden there was a whooping alarm and a voice coming through a speaker that
I didn't know was in my apartment saying, "There is a fire emergency in the building.
Please exit the building through the nearest stairwell." I grab Milan and am not real
and I'm sure what to do with Svensk. So hoping it's just a false alarm, I leave her in
the apartment. The firemen show up and clear the building. Thankfully, it was indeed
just a false alarm.

Okay so tomorrow, I'm going to go buy a cat carrier. Then if something like this happens
again, I can take Svensk out of the building with us. I'm also going to look into renter's
insurance because you can never underestimate the stupidity of other people.

Nothing like a little excitement on an early Sunday morning.

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